Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NC State vs. Gardner-Webb

I know we went to the game in September, but I figured better late then never. Jett's first State game was also Jett's first Gardner-Webb game. He granddaddy's alta malter vs. daddy's alta malter. But of course being State fans we sat on the State side with full State gear on. However, I did have my Gardner-Webb shirt on underneath my jersey just in case.

We tailgated before the game and Jett took it all in. I was scared that he would get freaked out by all the people and noise, but he did just fine. When the players come out of the tunnel and they set off fire works I thought for sure he would scream. Nope, he thought it was great. It amazes me that already he is becoming a little independent man. And, in a way that makes me a little sad, but I'm reminded that I'm his mommy and he'll always be my little boy.

The best part of our whole trip was watching the joy on Granddaddy and Memaw's faces as they spent time with their grandson's. I can't help but think that while granddaddy was attending State he didn't know at the time that he would be back years later with his wife, daughter,son,son-in-law, daughter-in-law and 2 sweet grandbabies with such joy in his heart. What a fun day!


State Boys!

"Hey Memaw whatcha doing all the way down there?"

In the stands.

Yeah Aunt Beba and Mewaw!

This is getting intense.

Seriously how do you sleep in a packed out football stadium?

Two happy grandparents.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Who says museums are boring?

Yesterday on Matt's day off we decided we would go on a field trip. Our first thought was the Zoo but it was rainy, so we decided we would go to the Greensboro Children's Museum. It's great taking Jett to these types of things right now because he gets free admission; however the lady at the desk questioned the fact that he was 7 months. At 1 year you have to pay at the museum and the lady said with an accusative voice, "He sure doesn't look like he's 7 months," with a raised eyebrow. Yes ma'm I know that he is quite big for his age, but I do distinctively remember giving birth to him a little over 7 months ago.

We did have a blast though. We're not sure who had more fun though, us or Jett. We'll let you decide by looking at these pictures.

Jett wondering when it will be his turn to play in the race car.

Jett & Matt playing Legos.

Future Pilot? Maybe he can make his mommy not so scared of flying.

Pictures don't give justice to how cute he looked in that fireman jacket.

Little boy in a big chair

I could seriously go on with the pictures we took, but I'll stop here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're Back!!!

This is now Brittany signing on. I've decided to take over the blogging duties in an attempt to keep our family and friends updated on our family's fascinating life.

So what's new in the Bryant household. Jett just turned 7 months old, which is crazy. It doesn't seem like he should be that old, but at the same time it seems like he has always been here. The child is into everything. His new name is "Crash." We're averaging 5 head injuries a day, which equals 5 mini heart attacks for me.

He does this awesome army crawl, which he's gotten pretty fast at. The newest thing that happened yesterday is pulling up on things, equaling more head injuries and more mini heart attacks. My compassionate husband informed me that he will get injured the rest of his life and I've got to learn how to cope with these small injuries now. That was the most comforting words I've ever heard. Man, he's sensitive.

In a couple of weeks we're going to the State v. Gardner-Webb game. The whole Bryant/Kelley clan. We're curious to see how Jett does. It will be a long day for an infant. We definitely know there's going to be one happy granddaddy there showing off his grandsons.

So, that's pretty much the latest. I promise to try and update at least once a week. Here are some pictures of one cute baby boy.

Waking up from a nap.

It's tiring being so stinking cute.

I love this face!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

While moms away the boys will play.

A few weeks ago Britt took a trip to Wilmington with one of her brides, (My wife is a wedding coordinator), in order to help them prepare for a wedding. While she was gone it was a total boys weekend. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Picture and more pictures

So it has become quiet apparent that Jett is going to either love or hate having his picture taken. Recently I began to investigate starting my own photography business with the hopes of paying for Jett's college education or at least make enough money to support my expensive hobby of photography. I have even gone as far as making my own website: www.mattbryantphotography.com.

I have taken pictures of weddings, senior portraits, baby/children portraits, and events for fun for a number of years and have finally gained enough confidence in my abilities to charge for it. Here are some pictures from the latest family day session, which lasted about 5 minutes before Jett decided he didn't want his picture taken any more. We got one good picture and one eh okay picture and here they are:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Family Day.

So our newest attempt at household sanity has result in Thursday becoming our family day. This past family day we decided to take some pictures just for fun here are the results...

We have scheduled another picture day for next Thursday.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Brainwashing begins early.

So we can all agree that children for the most part seem to follow in there parents footsteps as far as the way they view the world. Like my father before me it seems that I as well have begun the process of leading my son into a belief system that will ultimately lead to heart ache and crushed hopes. There will now be many weekends and week nights that my son will sit with me in the living room shaking our heads in discouragement. This system of thinking that I am willing my soon into will cause him to face much criticism every day at school and will face ridicule from his classmates. Yes that's right ladies and gentleman in a State that claims to bleed blue (shade doesn't really matter) my son*, my father, and myself will continue to be NC State fans. And though I don't talk trash often...because State never gives the chance to...I bleed NC State red and I can prove it!

*I am well aware of the scheming of many of my friends who stand a good chance of leading my son astray to the blue side of the world, but I will still love him and completely understand.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Before Jett was born we would treat our dog (named Yoda), as though he where our child. We would take cute pictures and send them to each other during the day with our cell phones. We would sit around with friends and talk about funny things our cute dog did. Now that Jett is here it is obvious that Yoda has moved down the social ladder. However he still gets plenty of attention.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunction

My wife and I have devised a plan for maximizing the amount of sleep each of us receives on any given night. We have divided the nigh into 2 shifts. 11:00-3:00 is Matt's shift and 3:00-7:00 is Brittany's shift. During each shift whoever is on duty, or is it doodie, is responsible for anything that Jett needs. The perfect shift includes a feeding in the middle of the shift which means you get an extra 2 hours of sleep before your shift actually ends. However, last night was anything but the perfect shift...

10:34 p.m. - Brittany, Matt, and Jett are on their way home and Jett is screaming at the top of his lunges because he is hungry.

10:47 p.m. - We arrive home and proceed to make warm a bottle of milk, which takes 5 minutes, Jett is still screaming.

10:55 p.m. Jett is eating, and Brittany head off to bed as Matt begins his shift.

11:12 p.m. - Jett vomits all over himself and Matt.(Outfit change #1 for Jett, Shirt change #1 for Matt).

11:19 p.m. - Matt gives Jett gripe water.

11:23 p.m. - Resume feeding in an attempt to replace the recently discharged breast milk.

11:42 p.m - Jett vomits again (Outfit change #2 for Jett, Shirt #2 for Matt).

12:02 p.m. - Matt concludes that the vomiting is due to faulty equipment so he fixes a new bottle with new milk.

12:15 p.m - Jett vomits again (Outfit change #3 for Jett, no shirt change for Matt)

12:32 p.m. - Jett still screaming, Matt now assumes that he is not hungry but that his stomach is not feeling well so Matt and Jett lay down on the couch.

12:52 p.m. - Jett vomits. (Outfit change #4 for Jett, Shirt change #3 for Matt).

1:03 p.m - Matt halucinating from Stress and exaustion see's pink elephants dancing in the living room.

1:14 p.m. - After changing Jett Matt realizes wearing a shirt is pointless because it will ust get vomit on it, so Matt spends the rest of the evening topless...Jett still screaming.

1:17 p.m. - Matt and Jett back on the couch.

1:41 p.m. - Matt wake up on the couch very confused, Jett is on Matt's chest asleep. Matt realizes the opportunity to go to bed is at hand and proceeds to move in that direction.

1:47 p.m. - Moments after Jett and Matt are in bed Jett wakes up and expresses to Matt that he would like to go back in to the living room and scream for a few hours.

1:48 p.m. - Brittany Wakes up and holds Jett for a few minutes while Matt gathers his thoughts.

2:01 p.m. - Matt feeds Jett again...this time no vomiting and Jett seems to be very content.

2:14 p.m. - Jett falls aslepp on Matt in rocking chair.

2:15 p.m. - Jett pees on himself and Matt while asleep.

2:16 p.m. - Diaper change. (Outfit #I lost count for Jett).

2:31 p.m. - Jett finally goes to bed peacefully, Matt soon follows.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Car & A Swish Army Knife.

So over the past few years of hanging out with different parents I have made an observation that has become a very true reality. One of the skills of a good parent is having the ability to use your car the way Macgyver uses a Swiss Army Knife. Let me describe for you the uses of our car on our first simple family outing to the doctor. Our car was used as...

- A rocking chair - when Jett was fusey the car ride was able to sooth him very quickly
- A changing room - my wife had change Jett's clothes after lunch didn't agree with him.
- A restaurant - My wife and I experienced our first meal eaten while waiting in the parking lot while Jett slept, and then ate.
- A trash can - even though I could have been accused of this before Jett was born...I had never put a smelly diaper in the trunk before.
- A relaxation booth - After the doctor we stopped by Barnes & Nobles, which proved to be too stimulating for Jett. Brittany and Jett retreated to the car as Dad went to the check out to purchase a new translation of the Torah. (and Matt pushes his nerd glasses back up his nose).
- A couch - After returning to the car Matt found Brittany and Jett both asleep.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The History of Naps.

Good naps are an absolute art form. First of all the timing has to be right, there can't be a time limit on a great nap. Normally these great naps take place during the afternoon. Also the place where you nap has to have a strong history of napping. For me that is the couch. So here is my brief history of amazing naps...

1. The Sunday Afternoon Nap. This seem to be a great nap that I would often take on Sunday's during my high school years. Normally during the boring quarter of a football game.

2. The College Dorm nap. My bed in college was always my place of refuge when I felt like my brain was about to explode. I also had Mono my first 5 weeks of college so it was very easy for me to take 3 hour nap each day.

3. (The newest on the list) the Nap with Jett. My wife and I have both come accustom to really enjoying these naps as about any parent would tell you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jett the social butterfly.

Apparently Jett has already begun to work is way up the social later as two of his cronies have already stop by to visit. The first picture is Jett and Stephen last night hanging out in Jett's room while the parents enjoyed some asian cuisine.

Stephen (left) is 11 weeks old. Jett (right) is 5 days old. They where the same height and weight at birth. Is that crazy or what?

Samuel drove by in his 09' Chico Trans System to see how Jett was doing at the hospital.

Jett already has scheduled play dates with the Bowers and Beavers in his Day Planner. As you can see he has made friends with all the older kids, which is a big popularity boast. I guess it's easy when you are 6 days old.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Pursuit of Perfection

I have heard it said that good professional photographers try to take 5-7 perfect pictures each year out of the million that they take. So by these standards I have 349 days left to get a few good ones of Jett's first year of life...here is what I have so far.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some Things Change & Some Don't

Some Things Change

Over the past few days I have noticed a few changes, mainly in myself.

Mood Swings...Yes, I cried when I first saw my son.

I'm a talker...Over the last few years I have been tracking my progress as a talkative person. Due to my perfession this has been on a slight increase in over coming my antisocial personality. However my new role as father seems to have given me the ability to take to a wall.

I enjoy people visiting...Brittany and I have been blessed a large group of close friends (more on that later) and to this point in my life I have been the person that enjoys going to their house to hang out rather than have them over to our house. (This is probably because of my controlling personality that I like to have the ability to leave the situation at any time). However I have noticed that during our hospital stay and our return home I have actually desired for friends to come to our house to hang out.

Mom and Jett in hospital.

A Real Picture with Daddy's Camera.

Some Don't

Friends are still very vital...Over the past few days there has been one consistent thing that has seemed to rejuvenate Brittany and I like nothing else. Contact with friends. Wether its Nate and Hannah visiting from Asheville, Jessica stopping by after all her children have gone to bed, or phone calls/txt/emails with Phil, Luke, Nick, Jeff, Michael, Sarah, Amy, Ashley, and anybody else my sleep deprived brain might have forgotten; Friends as always have been absolutely vital.

Marriage (and now Parenting is still fun)...We still making stupid bets on ridiculous television shows, this time it was the Westminister Dog Show. (I won because he cheated, I saw the highlights on Sportscenter). We still are goofy, last night we both got around 6 hours of sleep through a tag-team effort, and I felt it necessary to sing and dance and this small victory.

Nate & Hannah visit.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Journey Home. (In Pictures)

Tuesday morning we woke up at the hospital with baby boy...I mean Jett. ( I am still adjusting to publicly saying his name).

The outfit he wore home...or more correctly "Stated" the hat. Jett and I had a long conversation in the nursery after he was born regarding the lack of athletic dominance of the Wolfpack. He responded by screaming and shivering, but that might have been because the nurse was taking his temperature.

Mommy and Jett climb in the back seat of the car for the trip home. We listened to John Mayer Continuum which apparently bored Jett because he slept.

Daddy and Jett take a stroll towards the house.

The Greatest Meal Ever. Our first night in the hospital after Jett was born my wife had a craving for a Ham-Cheese and Mustard Sandwich. With a quick call to Memaw & Grandaddy we had some delivered. After downing the sandwiches, Brittany eating two and Matt eating one, Brittany and I both where struck with a severe craving that has continued to exist. So naturally our first thing to do once we arrived and home was to have our first family meal together which consisted of Ham-Cheese and Mustard Sandwiches, Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips, and Strawberry Limeades. A feast like non other.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Faces of Love

We all remember the family from yesterdays window scene:
So lets get to know them and their responsibilities a little bit better...

"Papa" Responsibilities: Automotive Education, Voice Lessons, & Randomness

"Nana" Responsibilities: Medication Consultant & General Yard Sale Management

"Granddaddy" Responsibilities: NC State brain washing & Emotional Development

"Memaw" Responsibilities: General Spoiling & On Call Medical Researcher

"Aunt Beba" Responsibilities: Artistic Development, Verbal Self-Defense, and Purchaser of Noisy and Annoying Toys

"Aunt Ashey" Responsibility: Favorite Child Psychology & Temptation and Per Pressure training through use of negative ECU influence.